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The Chinese Embassy in Finland visited the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences China-Network

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

On 02.11.2022 the Chinese Embassy representatives in Finland visited the Universities of Applied Sciences China-Network.

Counsellor for Science and Technology Affairs Mr. Xudong Yun, First Secretary for Education Affairs Mr. Hongzhi Sun, First Secretary for Science and Technology Affairs Mr. Zhijun Yang, and Third Secretary for Science and Technology Affairs Mr. Xiaoyang Peng of the Chinese Embassy in Finland were invited to visit the Finnish University of Applied Sciences China-Network.

Minna Hiillos, President of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences China-Network, introduced to the Chinese Embassy representatives the situation of the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) China-Network and its member UASes in running, scientific research, cooperation, exchanges with China and future operational plans. Vice president of Laurea UAS Ms. Mari Vuolteenaho made a supplementary introduction. Vice president of Haaga-Helia Mr.Jouni Ahonen hosted during the meeting.

The Chinese Embassy representatives briefed to the Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences China-Network on the current situation, the situation of the embassy in Finland, as well as the policies, mechanisms and platforms for bilateral cooperation and exchanges in science, technology, education, and talents, such as the Sino-Finnish intergovernmental scientific and technological cooperation projects, China International Education Exhibition, and China International Talent Exchange Conference.

China adheres to the priority of education development, the self-reliance and self-improvement of science, technology, the leadership and drive of talents, expands actively international exchanges and cooperation in education, science and technology, and talents.

The visit ends in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere, the Chinese Embassy representatives has expressed their willing of visiting more China-Network UAS members in the future.

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